Tag: critique

  • Mad in America (website)

    March 27, 2018
    The Mad in America (MIA) website is currently the most extensive and exhaustive resource critiquing modern psychiatric practice. It regularly…


Enter your start dosage and desired end dosage. The calculator will produce a schedule of decreasing dosages for your taper at a 10% decrease per step, calculated on the last dosage.

Each increment – 1, 2, 3 etc. – is a dose level, which should be held-at for a period, usually of 3 to 4 weeks.

For a rate of taper less than 10%, change Taper Percent at the bottom.
Set the Decimal Precision to your needs.

Copy and paste the result into a spreadsheet or a calendar.
Use Style the Result to include the line numbers in your copy / paste.

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